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Book Publishing Agency ISBN India Offering ISBN Registration Service to Authors Around the World at Low Cost

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Book Publishing Agency ISBN India Offering ISBN Registration Service to Authors Around the World at Low Cost

Book Publishing Agency ISBN India Offering ISBN Registration Service to Authors Around the World at Low Cost
Buy ISBN number at a low cost, learn how to get an ISBN number to self-publish your book.
Book Self Publishers are paying too much for ISBN. ISBN agency such as Bowker in the United States upsell authors junk services like QR and barcode codes. First time authors end up spending too much on ISBN service. At least there is a company that is helping authors from anywhere in the world obtain ISBN at low cost and without petty upsell.

ISBN stands for international standard number for book which is a 13-digit code used by book publishers and retail for various purposes such as inventory management, sale data reporting, perverting unauthorized book publishing etc. To register a book in the ISBN database, book Publisher have to assign an ISBN to each format of a book title. To assign an ISBN to a book title, a publisher has to obtain an ISBN from an ISBN agency.

There are plenty of ISBN agency around the world. There is one official ISBN agency for each country in the world. In some countries, ISBN agency are operated by the government and free ISBN is provided to their citizens, but most of ISBN agencies are for-profit organizations.

Each ISBN agencies that is operated by a for-profit organization charges a fee for ISBN registration. ISBN cost very little if you are a book publisher purchasing ISBN in bulk. Purchasing 1000 ISBN is not just viable for must self publisher and first time authors. But a single ISBN costs 125 USD in the United States and more in some countries such as Australia.

This is where ISBN India comes in, ISBN India helps independent authors and publishers register ISBN in India and other countries where ISBN cost less. Thanks to ISBN India, you can get 1 ISBN for 69 USD, 2 ISBNs for 125 USD, 3 ISBNs for 160 USD and 4 ISBNs for 190 USD. The more you purchase, the less the price of each ISBN becomes. ISBN India registers your book ISBN manually and provides you a barcode with each ISBN purchase and guidelines to help you put a good copyright page in your book. Not only that, they are a team of book publishing experts that are available around the clock to help you publish your book like a traditional book publisher.

As ISBN numbers are international, it doesn’t matter in which country the ISBNs are obtained from. The book readers aren’t concerned about a book’s ISBN origin, and book self-publishing platform such as Amazon KDP won’t ask you for ISBN country origin either. No one cares about the origin of your book’s ISBN, so why not purchase ISBN from other countries where is it cheap. Visit ISBN India now to learn more.

Media Contact
Company Name: Bookllo Publishing
Contact Person: Rajeev
Email: Send Email
Country: United States
Website: https://bookllo.com/
